Sunday, November 9, 2008

Annual Piano Competition

This past weekend was the annual EIMTA Piano Competition. I am so proud of all the students who prepared and performed. I hope they had a positive experience.
Students who won first place awards are: Ellie Myers, Luke Myers, Brinley Wood, Ashlyn Dyer and Leslie Wright.
Abbey Jensen won 2nd place.
(Abbey and Ellie competed against each other in the finals.) Bravo to both of them - they were AWESOME!!!
1st Alternate Honorable Mentions went to: Whitney Wood, Andrew Stephenson, Sarah Minor, Camille Hinkson and Parker Erikson
Honorable Mention awards went to: Brianne Baker, Coleman Baker, Sami Trane, Melanie Jackson, and Brooklynn Dyer
All of the students who participated received excellent comments and critiques from their highly qualified judges.This competition draws students from Rexburg to Pocatello and the competition is fierce. The students who participate are studying with the best teachers in the area and are highly motivated and well prepared so any recognition is highly commendable. I appreciate those who attended the Honors Recital. I know that they learned alot from listening to the other performers and I hope I can encourage more students to participate next year.

Andrew and Kristen Stephenson
Ashlyn Dyer & Brinley Wood

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